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Lim Leong Seng

Lim Leong Seng is Singapore’s established sculptor whose works can be spotted in different heritage locations in Singapore. Trained in classical Chinese art under the Buddhist artist Venerable Zhumo, the tutorship equppied the self-taught artist with the skills and opportunity to experiment with different media and subjects in his work, ranging from paintings to abstract and realist sculptures. The idea of applying Western ideals within the oriental context is reflected in his sculptures. Modern art theories and techniques of colours and forms are reflected in his works, derived from local contexts and subject matters, such as the portrayal of the nuclear family. Lim's pieces capture the halcyon lives of family, and reminisce the diligent pioneer generations of Singapore's short history, so integral to her nation-building effort. The matured techniques and artistic expression of Lim's are easily recognized by the pristine lines and narrative features so emblematic of his works. Through his sculptures one finds peace, harmony, love, as well as culture, history, and the indomitable spirit of his people.

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