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Rearngsak Boonyavanishkul

Rearngsak Boonyavanishkul was born in Singhburi, Thailand in 1961. Ever since he was 7 years old, Rearngsak has been interested in art. Rearngsak's artistic influence are varied and underwent several changes over time. Initially he had favored surrealism, painting works that transcend reality. Drawing from Thai and Buddhist aesthetic sensibilities, Reargnsak infused traditionalism into surrealism, as he explored ways of giving birth to a unique form of Thai contemporary art.

But in the recent decades, Rearngsak also embraced super-realism. His works of Balinese and Thai dancers are painted with sleekness and clarity, right to the slightest detail. The highlights in his works emphasizes the intricate details of the dancer's costumes and movement of the dancers. Beyond painting, Rearngsak also create sculptures of themes and motifs he has previously painted, most notably the horses from his surrealist period.

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