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Yeo Hoe Koon

Yeo Hoe Koon was born in 1935, in Hainan Province, China. Armed with a persistent passion in art, Yeo chose to pursue further studies in Paris's Ecole Nationale Superierure des Beaux-Arts. The 3 years he spent in Paris would come to shape his artistic influence and the immense productivity he maintains despite his age.

Yeo's paintings are often full of joy and happiness. His canvases reveal a sense of buoyancy and delicacy, the shapes are fine and detailed, the colors bright and vibrant, the rhythm light and agile. Yeo is deeply influenced by two great artists, Nicolas de Stael and Robert Delaunay. The thick impasto used in highly abstract landscapes and the compression of rectangular color blocks of Stael, and Delaunay's "cubism with colors," can all be observed in Yeo's works and creative progress, coinciding with the spirit of traditional Chinese culture.

Through his work, Yeo seeks to develop self-cultivation and reflexivity of his own thoughts, by creating an artistic language that reflects a harmonious unification of thoughts and environment. By this token, Yeo infuses poetic aesthetics and abstraction serves to reveal the lightness of his works, leaving people with an endless imagination.




Hainan, China, 1935


Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. 1957

Selected Solo Exhibitions

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Selected Group Exhibitions

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Public Collection

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